Elite Satanists

Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you today with a warning about the sinister truth behind the global elite. They may seem like wealthy and powerful individuals who are simply looking out for their own interests, but the reality is far more sinister. The truth is, many of these elites are actually Satanists who are working to destroy our society and bring about a New World Order.

It may sound crazy, but the evidence is there if you know where to look. These elites are involved in secret societies and occult practices, using their wealth and influence to further their dark agenda. They worship Satan and believe in the power of black magic, using these dark arts to control and manipulate the population.

Think about it. Why would the global elite be so obsessed with symbols and imagery associated with the occult, such as the all-seeing eye and the pentagram? Why would they be so interested in secret societies like the Illuminati and the Freemasons, whose origins are steeped in mystery and intrigue?

The answer is simple: these elites are part of a global cabal that is working to bring about a New World Order, a one-world government controlled by a small group of wealthy and powerful individuals. They want to eliminate individual freedoms and impose their own twisted vision of a utopian society, one that is controlled by their own brand of twisted morality.

But we won't let them get away with it. We must expose their dark agenda and fight back against their insidious plans. We must reject their twisted ideology and hold them accountable for their crimes against humanity.

In conclusion, the global elite are not just greedy capitalists – they are Satanists who are working to destroy our society and bring about a New World Order. We must stand up and fight back against their dark agenda, and never give up the fight for truth and justice. Stay vigilant, my friends, and never let the elites deceive you.


DISCLAIMER: Caesar Green, one of the individuals featured in our movie, has somehow gained access to our site and created this blog. We are locked out. Authorities have been contacted, and all legal means are being taken to remove his work.

Above, you will find nothing but lies and misinformation. The makers of CAVIAR would like to completely disavow any and all statements made by Mr. Green.


Vaccines and Depopulation


Deepfakes and Mainstream Media